The Eureka Chamber of Commerce represents a partnership of business and professional people. When you join the Chamber you gain a new business partner, as well as opportunities to meet potential clients, expand contacts, increase management expertise and become involved in issues that affect your business and community.

Networking Opportunities
Monthly Membership Luncheon – Features informative speakers, networking opportunities and the chance to showcase your business.
Annual Golf Tournament and Dinner
Eureka Chamber Trivia Night
Annual Member Christmas Party
Opportunities to do joint ventures with other members
Market Your Business
New Member Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies – Brief ceremony with a photograph & description of business published in Monday Messages
Groundbreaking Ceremonies
Opportunity to Host Luncheons
Business Directory Listing on the Chamber website
Chamber email blasts that promote your events!

Invest In Your Future
Business Seminars – Educational and motivational speakers to help you improve your business.
Economic Development – As a member of the Chamber you will be taking a positive step toward supporting economic development in and around Eureka.
Membership brings credibility to your business.
Take advantage of special Health Insurance just for Chamber members.